A dashboard is a vital tool for measuring the performance of a company or department. The way in which we collect and display data is fundamental to understand performance of marketing actions, goals and to be able to make better business decisions.
In this article you will learn what a dashboard is, the benefits it provides and what characteristics a good dashboard should have, the types of dashboards that exist and the most important metrics it should have so that you can apply it to your company or project.
A dashboard is a graphical representation of the information created to help monitor and manage a business, company, project, etc. A dashboard should show the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are the most important metrics to analyze and assess your business, it is the way to measure marketing and/or business objectives in order to make decisions.
A good scorecard should be easy to read at a glance, the main purpose of any scorecard is a graphical representation of the balance between the proportion of data to be displayed and the accurate picture of the company’s performance
The dashboard is a simple and accessible way to get the most out of analytics and data. It’s a quick overview of what’s happening right now, so you can make informed decisions about how to optimize your marketing and/or business strategy.
It is a fundamental analysis tool to keep the project objectives aligned with the rest of the team.
Creating a good dashboard will allow you to see how the resources used in the strategy are performing; the dashboard makes it easy to see which areas of your marketing are working well and which need improvement.
A dashboard is a very useful tool for businesses, whether you are a small or large company. We have deciphered the seven reasons why you should implement a dashboard in your projects:
When choosing which dashboard to create, it is important to be aware of the types of dashboards.
The performance of a dashboard depends on a number of factors, avoiding “data vomit”, in those dashboards with a huge amount of data where you can’t see anything and it is difficult to know what is happening, let alone make decisions.
As we have discussed, the primary function of a dashboard is to be actionable. The dashboard transforms the way an effective business intelligence strategy is carried out into a data-driven environment.
Providing the right set of data to the right people within the organization is critical to the development of the business and its long-term success. Therefore, selecting the right type of scorecard is critical to producing lasting and cost-effective results.
There are different ways to divide or classify dashboards by typology.
For this article we have classified them according to the question to be answered. This is the most important as it will determine all the work of data creation, extraction and automation that we are going to do afterwards.
The end purpose for which you want to create the dashboard will determine the type of dashboard you need to make.
So the question you need to ask yourself is: What problems do you need to solve? The way you answer that question will determine the type of dashboard you use.
Accordingly, we differentiate between 3 types of dashboards:
The metrics to include in an online marketing dashboard are diverse, as almost always the metrics to include in the dashboard will depend on the objective of our dashboard and the nature of the business.
Whether we include some or others, we leave you with a series of fundamental metrics to include.
The metrics to include in an SEO dashboard are not definitive, it will all depend on the timing of your reports or dashboards, the purpose for which you analyze the data and above all the person/s to whom it is addressed.
In general terms, we can summarize the metrics to be taken into account in your SEO dashboards as follows:
These metrics at a general level would be the most relevant to follow, obviously, there are many metrics left out that we could surely include, but remember, a dashboard should be clear and concise, it should not be a data fair where we waste our time, it should make it easier for us to draw conclusions at a macro level.
Other performance related metrics such as load speed or content such as average time on page or bounce rate, can be metrics collected in a micro dashboard internally, or in a more general one depending on the business objectives.
In conclusion, a dashboard is a visualization of important information for the business, its main purpose should be to monitor the performance of the company or department.
A good scorecard should show the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will allow you to identify and visualize where the company stands, what challenges, opportunities and future difficulties it faces.
In this way, it should enable you to make decisions accordingly to achieve your business objectives.
If you’ve made it this far, we should be able to help you decide which dashboard is right for you, as well as give you a starting point if you want to make your own.
At Isocialweb we create dashboards for all our online marketing services, from CRO, through SEO, SEM or Content.
We hope that with these tips you can start creating your own dashboards. If you have any questions or need to improve your dashboards and business performance metrics please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dashboards are used by companies and their departments to monitor the most important metrics of the business or department. To learn about the different types and metrics to include in a dashboard do not miss this article.
An Excel dashboard is a way to visualise key business performance data and metrics using the excel windows tool.
The objective of a dashboard is to visualise in a graphic and easy way the most important and key information of a company or department. Depending on the objective and the target audience, there are different types of dashboards with different metrics to be displayed.
A good dashboard should be able to meet these requirements:
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