Marketing KPIs

What it is and hot it works

Table of contents


Marketing KPIs (key performance indicators) are indicators that show the operational, financial and/or analytical results of a marketing strategy. Generally these KPIs are included in dashboards and are displayed at different levels of command and department in order to measure and monitor the strategy.

Not all KPIs are suitable for different strategies or businesses. Depending on the objectives and the business model among other things determine the choice of performance indicators, however in this post we will help you in the process of selecting your KPIs for your digital strategy.

We will discuss what a marketing KPI is and what it is not, how to choose a good KPI for your strategies and dashboards and some of the main KPIs of an online marketing strategy.
kpi marketing

What is a Marketing KPI

A marketing KPI is a metric associated with an important aspect to the business, channel or department, which quantitatively measures the performance over a period of time of an activity within the marketing actions.

These metrics are important to your business and are therefore associated with a KPI and one or more business or departmental objectives.

All KPIs should be metrics but not all metrics can be KPIs.

Therein lies the difference that you need to know when setting KPIs in the development of a good online marketing strategy.
Throughout the article we will establish the criteria and characteristics that a marketing KPI should meet as well as examples of KPIs so that you can implement them in your online marketing dashboards.

Basic Features that an online marketing KPI must meet

You are carrying out your online marketing strategy, you have established your business objectives, etc. and it is time to choose the metrics that will help you measure the results of your work and marketing actions.

Marketing KPIs are the way to measure the performance of the actions carried out, i.e. the performance of your work and that of your colleagues.

As a result, you may be measuring results that are not important for the business and the achievement of objectives, with all that this entails. 🤯

Therefore, being clear about the metrics that should become KPIs for the business is a fundamental task when establishing your strategies.

Don’t worry, we’ll give you a hand so you know what a KPI is and what it is not, so you can select the right KPI for your own marketing goals. But first, let’s take a look at the framework to help you understand and define your KPIs.

When planning a strategy, we must be aware of the requirements that a good marketing KPI must fulfill.

An online marketing KPI must meet the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound) framework

As far as english is concerned, it can be translated and defined as follows:


  • Specific. This principle means that it must perfectly represent what it describes and be quantifiable.
  • Measurable. As well as being quantifiable, it must be clear enough that anyone on the team knows how to measure the metric.
  • Achievable. Its collection and quantification must be simple, cost-effective and achievable for the business.
  • Relevant. This is where the KPI is linked to the objective to be measured. Your choice must be sufficiently relevant and clear in relation to the objective to be measured.

Time-bound. A KPI should be limited, i.e. it should have a defined timeframe to be achieved. For example, if we want to measure the success of an email marketing campaign, a good KPI would be the “percentage of openings within one month“.

A KPI that meets all these requirements will be a very useful tool to measure the performance of your online marketing campaign.
Once the characteristics are known, it is time to establish the metrics that will designate the KPIs in our marketing strategy.

Top 10 KPIs in an online marketing strategy

Establishing marketing KPIs in a digital strategy and displaying them on a dashboard is the epitome of synthesis and a job well done, both in marketing and in analytics, regardless of the results obtained. 😉

How you measure your marketing objectives depends on all the work you and your colleagues have done. KPIs are the quantifiable values that summarize the work and performance of the whole team.

Therefore, it is not advisable to establish general KPIs for all marketing strategies. They should be adapted to the characteristics of the business model and the project.

Just as selling services is not the same as selling products. Measuring products is not the same as measuring services 😉😉

Therefore, we are only going to reflect the most commonly used KPIs so that you can be inspired to use the one that best suits your needs.
Here we go!

Traffic by channel.

KPI to know which is the channel that is bringing more traffic to your strategy, in this way you will know which of the marketing actions you have carried out are bringing more traffic.

Scope or outreach

Number of users you have reached or impacted.

This KPI can be extrapolated in different ways depending on the channel.

Thus, in a social media strategy to measure the number of people we reach in social media actions or social ads.

And in an SEO or PPC strategy we can find it under the denomination of impressions.

In any case, this marketing KPI represents the number of users your brand has reached on the different channels through the different actions carried out.


This KPI is both vaunted and reviled in equal parts within the online marketing sector.
It is a metric that is surrounded by some controversy, mainly due to its different measurement possibilities.

It is possible, depending on the department and the stage of purchase in which the consumer is, to measure it in different ways.

Here we would like to emphasize that this is a very important metric for any algorithm today. Think about it for a moment, it is the KPI that allows you to measure the set of actions that the user performs with the brand.
Whether it’s a usability department to measure A/B testing, CRO to measure conversions, SEO or SEM to measure interactions or CTR. It is a KPI that should be on your dashboard in your digital strategy.


This KPI can be found in different ways depending on the business model. In the service and B2B industry is where it makes most sense, as it is the nature of the business that allows us to work with potential or interested customers.

In the case of ecommerce we can find it in “abandoned carts”. It is a way of quantifying the number of people interested in our products who have not completed the purchase.

Cost per lead

How much did it cost to acquire this potential customer, is it within our marketing budget, has it been profitable, what is the most profitable channel to attract potential customers, and what is the most profitable channel to attract potential customers? These are the types of questions that this Marketing KPI should answer.


One of the most important marketing KPIs for a CEO or executive director, which is none other than how many customers we have obtained this month. Global metric of the marketing strategy that can always be segmented by channels to know how many customers we have acquired through the actions carried out in every one of them.

Conversion rate

The conversion rate measures the number of conversions obtained in a period of time between the number of users who have carried out the action to be measured, such as subscribing to a newsletter, contacting, or making a purchase, etc.

It is a very frequent KPI in different business areas and can be found in SEO dashboards to measure the conversion rate within the actions carried out in the channel as well as in SEM, Social media email marketing etc..and of course, the department most related to this metric is the CRO department..


Specific KPI that measures the return on marketing investment, more commonly known as ROI. It is a very common metric in any kind of dashboard and monitors how profitable our marketing investments are being – almost nothing!


Acronym for Customer Acquisition Cost or in other words, how much money it cost acquiring a customer based on the investment made.

You can use it to measure PPC or Social ads actions, as well as in SEO strategies.


Customer lifetime value. This is a metric that helps us to measure how long on average a customer or user uses a product or service. Improving this metric is to improve customer loyalty.

In conclusion

“91% of companies believe that with the right data their organization is at a competitive advantage in their markets over the next few years.”

Marketing KPIs are used to monitor and quantify the results of marketing actions, but not all KPIs can be used for the same strategies or business.

The choice of KPIs in dashboards is an art that involves careful strategic, operational and analytical thinking.
So, stop and think, all the hard work and good decision making depends on the correctly measured results and KPIs

Having good KPIs determines a good analysis of your products or services. Having good metrics determines the health of the company or business.

At iSocialweb we create and modify dashboards with KPI’s for each of our departments and services, SEO, PPC, CRO and web analytics. If you have any doubts or need support for the establishment of KPI’s do not hesitate to contact us.
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Frequently asked questions

Marketing KPIs are operationally, analytically and financially relevant metrics for the business. Learn the keys to choosing the best and most important marketing KPIs for your strategy.

A KPI is a key performance measure for a company or business. They usually appear on a company’s various dashboards and are related to business objectives. Some KPIs examples are:

  • ROI
  • CAC
  • VLC
  • Conversion rate

Digital marketing KPIs are key metrics associated with the objectives of the different digital channels at different stages of the conversion funnel. These KPIs are usually represented in dashboards and are quantified in a quantitative way to understand the performance of the digital marketing strategy.

To create a marketing KPI you must first know what you want to measure and what objective it is related to in your strategy. For this, it is essential applying the SMART framework to work in the definition of a well established marketing KPI.

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