Digital Marketing Consultancy

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Following the pandemic unleashed by COVID-19, consumers have flooded digital channels at an unprecedented rate. Digital has become an essential ingredient for the sustainability of a multitude of businesses.

As a result, the pressure on marketing teams and their managers to keep up is brutal.

But… How can we respond to these changes and develop the necessary human and technical skills to ensure speed, precision and performance?

The key, as we know at iSocialweb, is to rely on a partner specialized in digital marketing consultancy to act as a catalyst between the old paradigm and the new one, helping your company to achieve its marketing goals.

We are no longer talking about an evolution but a revolution in many markets that threatens to create an insurmountable gap if we do not act now.


If you are looking to keep pace or/and accelerate your company’s online presence, we invite you to read on:

What is a digital marketing consultancy?

Digital marketing consultancy is a type of consultancy that focuses on online marketing strategies and tactics> to provide a tailored response to user needs, optimizing the shopping experience and satisfaction through digital channels.

Digital marketing involves the use of online platforms and resources to generate leads, increase conversions and drive traffic to a business or website. 

At iSocialweb, our digital marketing consultancy services are tailored to help a company or organization optimize its digital marketing processes, tools and strategies to increase its market success.

Beneficios de contratar una empresa consultora de marketing digital

A digital marketing consultancy, such as iSocialweb, can be a powerful ally for companies, helping them to optimize digital technology and strategic marketing strategies to achieve their goals.

Some of the benefits of having a digital marketing consultancy like ours include:

  • Improve your company’s visibility on digital channels.
  • Increasing conversion rates and customer engagement.
  • Extending your reach to customers from digital channels.
  • Multiply ROI from digital tactics.
  • Obtain more qualified leads from SEO, SEM, social ads
  • Facilitate the integration of digital transformation into sales and marketing operations.

But above all, working with us ensures that your marketing team can adapt to the new digital environment. 

Leveraging the right mix of human and technical enablers: the skills, processes, marketing analytics, KPIs and ways of working that create value and growth. 

With so many pieces to fit together, finding the ideal framework for digital marketing can seem like an impossible goal.

But it can be done.

And that’s where we bring all our experience and proprietary core-based project management methodology to bear.

We’ll tell you more about it below:

Digital Marketing Agency or Consultant: Which is better?

At iSocialweb we see this dilemma on a daily basis.

That is why we are used to developing the human and technical capacities of our clients in order to promote a quick and fast integration of all these ingredients.

To do so, we have a work planning system based on task force clustersthat allows us to take advantage of the benefits of working as an individual consultant but with all the resources and advantages of an agency.

Let’s see what we mean:

Personalized and guided attention as a consultant

A digital marketing consultant usually works individually for companies or organizations, helping them to develop and implement effective strategies that improve their presence and effectiveness on the Internet.

This has the great advantage of being able to provide a personalized and tailor-made service to the client.

Adapting like a glove to the culture of the company with which it is going to collaborate.

However, this poses two handicaps that are difficult to overcome:

  • Lack of scalability in the work
  • Lack of specialization in the consultant’s non-standard areas of work.

A marketing consultant usually has very focused knowledge and experience.

But digital marketing is a vast space that is constantly changing and evolving.

So it can be difficult for a single consultant to get the most out of your digital marketing strategy, if they are moving into areas outside their expertise.

In addition, there is a considerable constraint related to time and tools that prevent a consultant from scaling up operations if the project starts to become large.

This hinders and delays the progress of the project and affects the client’s objectives.

All the scalability potential and Agency treats

The agency, however, offers exactly the counterpoint to the marketing consultant.

With more sophisticated tools, investments and teams trained in different areas, it can scale the execution of tasks, reduce delivery times and achieve results in more sophisticated digital environments where it is necessary to integrate a greater number of pieces of the online environment.

But… Why choose an agency over a digital consultant?

Although both offer the same services, an agency can provide greater depth and resources, and usually has a team of experts specializing in each branch of digital marketing.

This has a direct impact on the effectiveness and ROI of your marketing.

In addition, an agency often has access to larger marketing budgets and more industry connections than a digital consultant or freelancer.

There is also the issue of scalability and ability to execute. 

It is easy for a freelancer to quickly become overcrowded due to their availability of hours.

Slowing down the execution of critical tasks.

This will not happen when working with a marketing agency.

However, it is important to bear in mind that the average fee of an agency is higher than that of any marketing consultant. Precisely because their cost structure is higher and they need to recover the capital invested.

That is why, in order to count on them, it is necessary to demand a higher ROI for your project.

On the other hand, dealing with the agency may be less personalized as they deal with a higher volume of clients, so sometimes you may feel that you are not so important to them. 

iSocialweb's core-based task force methodology

With iSocialweb, however, clients can expect a tailored approach focused on their needs and objectives, and whether it is a single campaign or an ongoing strategy, they are guaranteed to get maximum attention for their project.

Thanks to our core-based methodology: specialist digital marketing consultants, agile project management methodologies and tools; we can offer the best of both worlds combined.

That is:

  1. Personalized and tailored to your team’s needs.
  2. Scalable execution supported by a multidisciplinary team. 

Which solves the dilemma of personalized attention versus consultant or agency scalability.

As you can see, with us the dilemma of choosing between the agency or the consultant is cleared up. 

You will have the best of both worlds on your side. 

Getting to balance the investment and focus your project where it is most needed.

In addition, the fact that all our operations are remote and based on teleworking allows us to offer very competitive fees for our services to our clients, increasing the quality of service.

Therefore, within our organization there is no pressure to accept the project with the highest turnover.

But really with the one to which we can bring the best results.

How to choose the right digital marketing consultancy firm for your needs?

How to choose the right consultancy for your needs?

When looking to hire a digital marketing agency, there are several things to consider.

First of all, it is important to choose a consultancy that has the knowledge and experience necessary to bring your project to fruition. 

It is important to make sure and review the client’s portfolio and well documented success stories.

Asking about their expertise and current projects, as well as the areas of work they focus on is essential to get an idea of whether they will be able to help you.

If they have a demonstrable portfolio of success stories or clients in the sector, the chances of finding a good partner are undoubtedly higher.

Also bear in mind that past success does not necessarily imply future success.

But they are a guarantee of know-how.

Be sure, too, to carefully examine the conditions, services and prices offered by the agency. 

There may be certain services you want or need that are not included. 

Another important point is project start-up, evaluation and follow-up. 

It is vital that your digital marketing consultant involves you from the early stages of the campaign and explains how the communications with the client and the follow-up of the project are carried out: weekly, monthly, quarterly reports, etc… 

Finally, it is important to assess the quality of the support offered to the client. 

Is there a dedicated team of consultants to answer any questions or provide guidance on the digital marketing campaign as it progresses? 

If not, it may be time to look for an agency that offers the level of service you need to achieve your marketing goals.

With these factors in mind, it’s possible to hire a top digital marketing agency or consultancy that can help your business succeed in today’s crowded digital landscape.

Our digital marketing consultancy services

We offer comprehensive digital marketing services that include developing a complete strategy, optimisation planning, maintaining the implementation of all digital channels, weekly reporting to track website performance, search engine and back-up strategies in case you don’t reach targets as planned and much more:
With our SEO services, your website will be positioned in the first results of search engines (Google, Bing, Yandex, etc.) improving the visibility of your brand. There is only one first position for your main search term. Our goal is to maximize qualified organic traffic to your website and to do so in a stable and constant way, improving the performance and positioning of the website.
We analyze, optimize and manage PPC campaigns to identify the most profitable terms for a business reducing the cost of investment, analyzing campaigns on a daily basis to ensure the complementarity of the investment with your SEO strategy.
By designing a measurement plan, implementing it correctly and visualizing the data, we can find improvements and answers based on objective information. We can help you make decisions that improve your business today, tomorrow and in the future.
Getting traffic and converting it into customers are two different things. This is the goal of our CRO service, improving the user experience, or CXD, by studying and understanding user behavior on your website to develop improvements that drive conversions.

What is it like to work with iSocialweb?

Our core-based team force methodology will work with you every step of the way to ensure your online presence is second to none. 

We offer adaptable and comprehensive services that facilitate the development of a complete strategy, optimized and realistic planning that truly enables the implementation of all strategies and the achievement of your goals.

Throughout the entire service we keep track of the evolution by delivering weekly monitoring reports, site performance, and search engine optimisation, along with back-up strategies in case something does not work as planned. 

For this we have a task manager shared with our clients so that you will know at all times the weekly sprint of tasks and their status.

Allowing the follow up, status updates and progress of the project.

In addition, we complete all this information with periodic meetings where we summarize what has been achieved to date and establish priorities.

This is how we manage to offer a range of premium services for online marketing, making it easier for your team to work towards developing a strategy that increases revenue, improves customer loyalty and increases the ROI of your online marketing department.

In fact, you can see for yourself.

We invite you to consult what other companies have already achieved by working with us: iSocialweb success case stories.

Or read what our customers> say about their experience working with iSocialweb.

The Team: Our digital marketing consultants:


Digital Manager


Business Development Manager


Account Manager


PPC Specialist


Digital Analyst


CRO Specialist


Design Specialist


Web Developer

In conclusion

Imagine you have a team of experts who will optimize your website for search engines (SEO), PPC campaigns and conversions so that people can easily find you online.This means more people will visit your site and convert into customers.

Avoiding the headaches of dealing with the different tasks of optimizing campaigns, defining tasks or knowing which parts of your website to optimize. 

Having 9 years of experience in the agency world, we know how important it is to have a positive presence on the Internet. However, it is difficult to achieve this goal on your own with limited resources. 

Check out our range of services designed to help you achieve overall results.

Or request a pre-audit so we can study the best solution for you.

You can reach us on (+34) 931005432 or fill in our form to apply for a free consultation report.


Digital marketing is an ever-growing field that has become an essential part of many companies’ advertising strategies. However, creating effective digital marketing campaigns can be time-consuming and costly. That’s where a digital marketing consultancy can come in handy.
The core task force team is the central piece of our clients focus methodology. Formed by a manager and two specialized consultants, they constitute interchangeable pieces within iSocialweb to advance a project in the precise marketing area: SEO, PPC, Analytics, CRO or web development.
It will depend on the services contracted and their duration. Generally, the average annual fees associated with digital marketing can range from €5,000 to €25,000, depending on the complexity of the project. It all depends on your needs.

Conseguir tráfico, y convertirlo en clientes son dos cosas diferentes. Este es el objetivo de nuestro servicio de CRO, mejorar la experiencia del usuario, o CXD estudiando y comprendiendo su comportamiento en tu sitio web para desarrollar las mejoras que impulsen las conversiones.

Alvaro Pena
Head of SEO and co-CEO en iSocialWeb | + posts

Co-CEO and Head of SEO at iSocialWeb, an agency specialized in SEO, SEM, and CRO that manages over +350M organic visits per year with a 100% decentralized infrastructure. Also, the founder of Virality Media, a company with over 150 million monthly active visits across various sectors and industries. A Systems Engineer by training and an SEO by vocation. An avid learner, AI enthusiast, and dreamer of prompts.

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