SEO Case Study Cuideo

Table of Contents

The project we will be discussing today is a success story in a relatively short time. In order to have a wider vision of its evolution we must place ourselves in April 2018, when entered iSocialWeb. is a project dedicated to the management of home care for the elderly in the main cities of Spain. It is a meeting platform both for people who need that service and professional caregivers who offer it.

A differentiating feature is that it offers different services, part-time, full-time or even at night, adapting to the needs of the end customer.

Initial status and evolution of the project in 7 months

After this short introduction to understand the client’s business model we want to show the progression that has had the project since we started working together:


The constant work on SEO actions and a methodology based on actions with greater impact regarding SEO, has allowed us to take the project to the next level:


The progression in absolute terms has been:

  • A 246% increase in positioned keywords.
  • A 325% increase in organic traffic to the site.
  • A 350% increase in the value of the keywords positioned.

If you haven’t seen our first case of success yet, stop by the article where we explain how we got to a million visits in a day in a project of our own .

Growth of the Sistrix visibility index during the following 7 months

The evolution of Cuideo during the following 7 months in Sistrix visibility has been the following (in the graph the date of April 2018 is marked as kickoff of the project with our digital agency):


Start of On Page SEO work

In 7 months of work and after auditing the project we found many points where the project was weak and could be boosted in terms of SEO. We were able to triple the initial organic traffic data that the website had.

The key to a correct web migration

During the first month the migration of the website took place. Also, guidelines were given to carry out a correct migration that could not be strictly complied with, resulting in indexed pages that generated duplicate content on the site. So we carried out the following actions:

  • We make a url parity sheet between the old project and the new web.
  • We established the indexable urls and those that should not be indexed using labels and/or robots.txt files.
  • We extracted the urls with a representative traffic and since they also changed their url structure, once the pertinent redirections were made, we performed a fletch and render.

The solution to this problem was to give guidelines to search engines to proceed to the desindexation and to a correct 301 redirection strategy that was implemented in the htaccess.

domain migration

The risks that in any web migration should be avoided

Apart from more technical issues and as a summary, the following situations should be avoided in any web migration process:

  • Destroy the traffic and visibility of the project so far.
  • Incorrectly configure the CMS.
  • Do not take into account the redesign according to the current traffic pattern of the web.
  • Do not highlight the advantages of changing the website to the user.

The basis of a deep audit

An onpage audit of the project was carried out during the first month to detect possible anomalies and implement improvements that would allow us to propose a logical and correct strategy. At the same time, the titles and descriptions were optimized in the internal pages as well as in the blog. The objective was to semantically increase the terms positioned.

A schematic summary of some of the actions carried out in this audit were:

  1. strong>Indexation Audit. Review of sitemaps, robots.txt, indexing analysis, traceability, response codes, web architecture, meta robots, mobile version…
  2. Revision of SEO basics. titles, meta descriptions, structured data, hierarchy of headings, canonicals, cannibalizations…
  3. strong>Content auditors. Analysis of the quality of the content (Thin and Similitary content),
  4. Improvement of WPO. Optimization of images and WPO were worked to improve the content available on the web and improve the UX of the site.
  5. Link audit and domain authority. Some of the most outstanding actions carried out to increase the domain authority to work were the following: Analyze the urls with the most outgoing links, inbound links, anchors used in both external and internal links, visibility index, keywords positioned and their distribution in rankings, analysis of competitor links profile, locate and perform monthly link creation strategy.


A bit of local SEO for the main cities

We linked Google My Business in each of the regions where Cuideo had a physical representation. We improved linkage with accounts and local impact, as both rating data and comments were printed on the web so they were always visible to users and search engines.


We optimize My Business profiles. The actions we carry out are the usual but a curiosity that you may find useful is that the destination url is always put in each of the pages of cities and not in the home as it is done in most websites.

Create links in local directories, city forums… Always taking care of both the anchoring that was used in those links, as well as the level of depth and authority of them. At the same time, we started a strategy to obtain positive reviews in My Business.

The actions that made the difference at SEO level

To make a SEO project grow, it is important to know the niche, analyze it, extract its deficiencies and improvements in order to apply those actions that will have the greatest impact on the project. It is essential for the success of any project, make it this way, because once with a positive trend we can start to perform more specific actions, which help to give a plus and put the project in top positions for the keywords that you are interested in.

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  • Keyword research of the top pages or service pages to write the appropriate texts for the positioning of these pages.
  • Internal link optimization and link juice transfer with link optimization both in quality and in number.
  • Implementation of structured data.
  • Different types of data were established to work both the SEO in the 3 main regions as well as the new snippet of Google on the niche market of jobs, on that novelty we worked the current offers of Cuideo to appear such snippets with the aim of occupying more than one site in the search results of Google and also with the aim of increasing the CTR in the results of the search engine par excellence.
  • Healing of web content . The objective was to take advantage of the content that the site already had but improving it, offering the user the solution to the queries of his search and increasing the permanence in the page and reducing the rebound rate.
  • Direction of programming changes at SEO level :
    • Structured data.
    • Avoid unnecessary hrefs that cause a bad distribution of linkjuice of the domain.
    • Geomets correctly implemented.
    • Link My business with the web.
    • Obfuscation of links.
    • Internal links with anchors of the same post.
    • Adding open graph metatags for each url with unique content
  • Integration of new pages . New keyword research to semantically enlarge the web, improve positioned keywords and therefore increase the qualified organic traffic of the site.
  • Support in the new subdomain structure jobs.cuideo:
    • In the middle of the Google process give us, depends on how you look, a new snippet the “job posting” where we work with url of previously unindexed work … and if we came out the same in his snippets.
    • URL structure.
    • Keyword research, to continue expanding terminology.
    • On page for each url generated.

The keywords positioned

Regarding the terms currently positioned in, a distinction must be made between the most generic keywords and the keywords of the most geolocalized service (keyword + town or city).

The following table shows a small part of the words positioned at national level in more generic terms:


In local SEO we are positioned (among others) for following relevant keywords:



In just 7 months we have been able to triple the organic traffic that the project had when it entered our agency.

Factors that have influenced the change:

  • Good management of the contents of the whole website. Control and optimization of the contents with high percentage of danger of thin and similar content.
  • Correct link building strategy . Based on brand, where the origin of the links are prioritized, as well as their anchors and their contextualization.
  • Correct implementation of the web architecture . Based on the importance of the categorization of the sections, the different levels of depth and the good distribution of linkjuice from the domain to main categories.
  • Constantly reviewing the current status of the project and conducting periodic audits is what allows us to grow month by month in the evolution of the project, without losing sight of the competition and the actions they are carrying out.
Alvaro Pena
Head of SEO and co-CEO en iSocialWeb | + posts

Co-CEO and Head of SEO at iSocialWeb, an agency specialized in SEO, SEM, and CRO that manages over +350M organic visits per year with a 100% decentralized infrastructure. Also, the founder of Virality Media, a company with over 150 million monthly active visits across various sectors and industries. A Systems Engineer by training and an SEO by vocation. An avid learner, AI enthusiast, and dreamer of prompts.

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