Success Story SEO Legal Sector

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Targeting high CPCs with SEO

This time, the case of success that concerns us is the website, a project in a very competitive sector with high CPC keywords.

Our experience showed us that the lawyers’ niche is a highly competitive sector in which they tend to use Adwords to get quick leads through forms or contact calls. However, the problem that arises when doing SEM in this kind of project is the high CPC you have to be willing to pay for a click on your ad.

A comparison of the highest CPCs paid between different sectors:

cpcs elevados

As can be seen, the legal sector is in position 4 in the worldwide ranking of the highest CPCs.

A small sample of the difficulty of the market is shown in the following screenshot where the parameters of the keyword “labor lawyers” are detailed:

CPCs elevados

Other competitors with much more capital and resources to invest would be:

el abogado

You have to have a large Budget in order to be competitive and have your ads displayed in the top positions, apart, of course, from having your SEM campaign well optimized.

SEO as an alternative to SEM in high CPC segments.

SEO and SEM are not incompatible, in fact, the best strategy in a new project is to be able to combine both. We cannot focus all the effort on the SEM channel, since in the medium and long term the performance of SEO is more than demonstrated if the appropriate actions are taken and a clear strategy is followed.

It should be taken into account that as a general rule in SEM the rest of the players tend to bid more strongly, in addition to the fact that new startups or large entities can get involved, which can raise the bids of the keywords and increase the CPC’s of these.

subida semrush

The growth of the project in the last year has been really positive, even surpassing the most optimistic expectations placed on this project.
Its growth in 1 year has been 273.32% with a volume of highly qualified traffic interested in the niche of labor lawyers.
To reach these numbers, the strategy we followed was to give priority to the SEO channel, working hard on Onpage SEO and the importance of offering the visitor quality content that would satisfy their search in the Google SERPS.
In the following screenshot we can clearly notice the upward curve of the project during the last year:

semrush abogados

Regarding the visibility index shown by the Sistrix tool, we can see how it has been constantly evolving during the time iSocialWeb has been working on it:

subida sistrix abogados
What is our strategy for this project?

As mentioned above, we decided to invest heavily in onpage SEO work, which we are still polishing and improving month by month. The main actions carried out were mainly focused on:

  1. In-depth keyword research To do this we conducted exhaustive keyword research focused on the specialization of the niche, we studied the competence and we carried out a web structure linking each URL of the project with a specific group of keywords to work with.
  2. Onpage derived actionsWe meticulously work on the SEO Onpage, giving importance to Titles, Meta Descriptions, Hs and to having texts optimized for SEO, without forgetting the user and improving their UX when browsing the website.
  3. Site audits at the content levelAt this point we analyzed which contents were more relevant for the user and how they could be improved, we addressed issues of cannibalization on the web (a common point in almost every project where there is a blog, as there is a tendency to repeat topics and keywords systematically, just because of having articles published on the blog).
  4. A good internal linking strategy on the webWhat we were interested in was to retain the user who visits the website and for this, we combined the combination of good content with an internal linking strategy.

All these actions together with others, such as an active link building strategy, where in addition to increasing the authority of the project, we have sought to bring us qualified and quality referral traffic to the web. This has allowed us to be in the Top 3 in most of the most relevant keywords for the niche:

keys marben

The real value of the positioning of the current keywords:

The positioning work we have carried out in this project has allowed us to obtain an approximate value, as representative data according to the Semrush tool, of nearly $54,000 for the positioned transactional keywords. A small example of these keywords is the following:

keys marben cpc

In this list, you can see the high cost of some positioned keywords (CPC’s column).


The evolution of traffic during this last year of work has been x11 the total volume of organic traffic to the website.

The factors that have influenced have been:

  1. Good management of the contents of the entire website.
  2. Correct link-building strategy..
  3. Onpage SEO optimization and internal linking..

We are currently working on improving the project, improving rankings for specific keywords and optimizing site conversions.

SEO can be your solution to compete in markets where keywords have high CPCs and your competitors are large corporations with a lot of capital to invest in SEM campaigns.

Alvaro Pena
Head of SEO and co-CEO en iSocialWeb | + posts

Co-CEO and Head of SEO at iSocialWeb, an agency specialized in SEO, SEM, and CRO that manages over +350M organic visits per year with a 100% decentralized infrastructure. Also, the founder of Virality Media, a company with over 150 million monthly active visits across various sectors and industries. A Systems Engineer by training and an SEO by vocation. An avid learner, AI enthusiast, and dreamer of prompts.

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