Success story SEO health sector

Table of Contents

This case explains why by following a correct SEO strategy, an online business with practically no impact on the Internet can gain a waiting list of more than six months, multiply the number of leads obtained tenfold, and be considered a leader in its sector.

This project had been following an SEO strategy that had mainly rewarded linkbuilding without really considering the whole range of possibilities that should be taken into account to reach the customer.

More specifically, the main problem we found with this client was that they had created a strategy with a network of support websites that were all linked to the main domain and in turn, none of them provided any value at all.

Designing a strategy to reach out to different users

The first thing to do was to analyze the target audience we wanted to attract: relatives of dependent elderly people looking for a nursing home near Barcelona. Based on this, we proposed a strategy in which SEO would allow us to reach two types of users: : on the one hand, more transactional traffic, users who were already looking for a nursing home, and on the other hand, informational traffic to be introduced into our funnel. In nursing homes, proximity is usually an important factor when deciding on one center or another, so we also decided to target nearby towns in addition to Barcelona.

On the other hand, information traffic that searches for different terms closely related to the business:

  • Information on treatments for different pathologies related to the elderly.
  • Tips for the care of the elderly are focused on non-professionals, so they can be interested in our services.

Once the whole strategy was set out, we started keyword research that led us to find all the informational parts that would be the entrance door of the conversion funnel.

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How the wrong strategy can stall your results

But undoubtedly, the part that had the greatest impact on this project was the off-page actions that were carried out. Apart from the content strategy, a link building strategy was also planned and implemented to correct the current link profile on the one hand and to improve the site’s authority on the other.

In order to do this, we mainlytook into account correcting the erroneous strategy that had been used in the past and was still being used:: using a network of websites with EMD domains or exact keyword domains, to try to position and increase the authority of the main domain.

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Once all these links were removed, traffic automatically began to rocket:

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Correct structuring of content on corporate websites

On most occasions, we found that alarge number of pages are generated (and allowed to be indexed) with little value content: : service pages, frequently asked questions explained on different pages, and an endless number of URLs that, in the end, do not achieve positioning nor correctly flow the strength towards the main pages.

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What do we propose in this aspect?

  1. Unify all similar pages into a single one to concentrate the strength, and optimize this last one.
  2. De-index all the pages that were lacking in positioning value, giving priority to all the new sections that we generate and to the blog.

What were the outcomes?

The results we have obtained by following this strategy have been mainly the following

  • Multiply by more than 5 the daily organic visits.
  • In terms of conversions, they have moved from not being a direct source of incoming leads to being the most important channel, achieving a waiting list of several months to opt for a place.
  • We have achieved a funnel in which we capture cold traffic and get them interested in our services, which provides even more value to the SEO strategy.

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As you can see, we went from discreet traffic numbers to levels that almost exceeded the previous figures by 2000%.

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Alvaro Pena
Head of SEO and co-CEO en iSocialWeb | + posts

Co-CEO and Head of SEO at iSocialWeb, an agency specialized in SEO, SEM, and CRO that manages over +350M organic visits per year with a 100% decentralized infrastructure. Also, the founder of Virality Media, a company with over 150 million monthly active visits across various sectors and industries. A Systems Engineer by training and an SEO by vocation. An avid learner, AI enthusiast, and dreamer of prompts.

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