We have already mentioned that the dwell time measures only organic visits, so it is necessary to isolate this factor:
If the dwell time on a URL is low it is best to review the content and decide if action is needed.
In general, there are small tricks you can use to improve the dwell time, always thinking about the user experience and satisfying the search intent.
It makes no sense to perform the following tasks if what the user is looking for is a short and direct answer.
Evaluate this point well before reading the next section.
Here’s what you can do to improve dwell time:
All these points will help you improve the user experience and retain them.
Dwell time is a confusing concept that is often difficult to measure.
It is very easy to confuse with average dwell time, bounce rate or pogo-sticking.
In some ways, it is closely related to these terms.
But there is a very important nuance that we can always look at to get out of doubt.
And it is that:
El dwell time es una métrica asociada solo al tráfico orgánico.
This is the direct way to separate it from the rest. Since the other metrics always refer to web traffic as a whole.
Links and recommended reading:
The dwell time of a web page is a very important metric to know if our content responds well to the user’s search intention or not. If you want to learn how to measure it on your website and make your copywriters’ job easier, you need to understand this concept in depth.
This depends a lot on the sector, niche market and type of web page we have. In general, we always want this average time to be as long as possible and somewhat longer than our competitors.
There is no such formula but we can calculate it based on the information provided by Google analytics by isolating the segment corresponding to organic traffic within the average time of stay.