GPTs: How to Create Your Personal AI Assistant

Table of Contents

On November 6th, during OpenAI’s Dev Day held in San Francisco, Sam Altman introduced GPTs to the world.

Both the ease of creation and use, together with future plans for a GPT Store where they can be shared and monetized, represent a new breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence, especially in democratizing its use.

3d render custom GPT agent

What are GPTs?

GPTs are a natural evolution of ChatGPT, with the addition that they can be customized to suit users’ unique needs.

Most notably, any user, regardless of programming experience, can configure these models in a simple and intuitive way by just talking to ChatGPT.

As we’ll see later, there are several ways to create them, allowing anyone without prior technical knowledge to generate their own custom assistant.

And OpenAI doesn’t leave out the needs of more expert users either.

 Who will also have unique tools at their disposal.

Thus, OpenAI’s personalized GPTs represent an open door to a world where the creation of customized virtual assistants is at everyone’s fingertips. 

This transforms the way we interact with artificial intelligence.

And shapes a future where every AI tool can be as unique as its user.

Benefits and Uses of Custom GPTs

Of the advantages found in GPTs, two stand out:

  • Accessibility
  • Customization

Let’s review some of the key points of OpenAI’s new personalized chatbots.


The new GPTs make it possible to leverage the potential of GPT-4 and all its knowledge base to build custom assistants.

For this customization, we have several options:

  • Create instructions for the chatbot to follow, such as conversation steps or how to respond to certain user questions.
  • Add your own files with information that your personal GPT will process and use to provide better answers.
  • Allow it to connect with third party services to enhance its capabilities.


When it comes to accessibility, as we’ll see in the next section, it has never been so easy to create your own custom chatbot. 

If desired, we can use natural language via chat to shape it.

Or deploy all our programming languages knowledge.

The uses for OpenAI’s GPTs are virtually endless, from SEO assistants to Google guidelines experts to professional chefs or image consultants.

How to Create Your Custom GPT

Step 1

To start creating your own custom GPT, all you have to do is click "Explore" in the upper left menu of ChatGPT.


Step 2

Once we click, a new screen will open with several options to choose from. The one we are interested in is "Create a GPT". We will also have a list of our own GPTs, another list of those we have recently used, and finally a collection of those already generated by OpenAI itself.


As we can see, everything is very straightforward and simple so far. 

By entering “Create a GPT” it takes us to a new screen where we have two options to create our own custom GPT.

In “Create” we can interact via chat with the tool itself to tell it what we want it to do. 

This is the simplest way to create your own chatbot, but also the one with the least control.

Depending on the conversation, explanations and interactions we have, it will automatically populate the necessary fields so that our own ChatGPT behaves as we want.

Once we have it to our liking, we click “Save” and it will be available.


The alternative, a bit more advanced, is found under the Configure tab, where we can manually fill in the specific instructions we want to give our GPT, as well as the modules we want to have active.

These modules can be a web browser, Dall-E and Code Interpreter.

In this section we can also provide it text files, databases, etc. to feed it and add external information to the model.

Much of the potential of this tool resides here, where we can personalize it the most. 

At the end, we have the “Actions” section.

This is where we can really make a difference by integrating ChatGPT with third party applications via API, where the possibilities expand tremendously. 

However, this requires more development experience and the average user will not take advantage of it.

configurar agente personalizo GPT

These would be the two options to create your own GPTs within ChatGPT itself. 

But there is one last option to create more complete custom assistants.

This option is within the OpenAI Playground, under “Assistants”.

Here we will have some additional options, such as choosing which model we want to use or the ability to view logs of our interactions.

We can then use these assistants outside the OpenAI environment. 

This allows us to integrate them into external apps or websites, for example.


The Best SEO GPTs

One potential use in creating personalized assistants with OpenAI’s new tool is an SEO focus.

Below, we have compiled some of the most useful current SEO GPTs. 

But keep in mind that many new ones are generated daily.

List of GPTs for Digital Marketing

Similarly to the previous section, we have compiled a list of custom GPTs for digital marketing below:

Amazon A+ | Website Product Descriptions. Ecommerce product description creator.


GPTs are a fantastic tool that takes what we can do with traditional ChatGPT a step further. 

Although, to take full advantage of their potential requires technical knowledge.

This doesn’t prevent any user, regardless of skill level, from leveraging GPTs and making great use of them thanks to their simplified interface and usage.

We hope the upcoming GPT store and arrival of future models will further increase the possibilities when having a custom chatbot for each user.

Frequently Asked Questions

Only users with a ChatGPT Plus subscription have access to creating and using custom GPTs.

No, creating any personalized GPT is included with a ChatGPT Plus subscription. The only possible additional charge comes from creating assistants in the playground and using them via API.

Yes, you can share any personalized GPT via link with any other user.

In principle, that data is secure. But be careful when sharing sensitive information because other users may use jailbreaking techniques to download said content.

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